My Daughter Emma was in Portsmouth at university and she could not get back to Newport as the ungritted roads became blocked with abandoned vehicles . After 3 hours and less than one mile she , along with many others took refuge in the Flemming Arms in Binstead . They gave her some dry clothes and let everyone who was stuck stay until at after 3 am word got through that the council had finally cleared the main road to Newport .
Everyone you meet seems to have a smile on their face and appears friendly and eager to help out anyone they can . It seems that human nature makes people happiest when overcoming adversity not when" having it easy " .
The temperature has hardly gone above zero since and the " cold snap " is predicted to go on for at least a week . Apparently it is also snowing in Florida .
I have been enjoying the weather and have taken many pictures and driven my 4wd Mitsubishi Delica with the differential lock on for the first time ever . Pictures here .
I have heard a lot in the media about man made global warming and CO2 emissions and my reality did not seem to fit this new theory . I have always been sceptical of media dangers as so many " global threats " have not materialised .
Aids !
Bird Flue !
Greenhouse effect !
Hole in ozone layer !
Oil running out !
food supply not keeping up with population growth !
Swine flue
It seems just like the dodgy carpet salesmen who you meet who have an amazing bargain for you but you must act immediately ! Acting immediately gives no chance for proper consideration . If I am ever told that I always "smell a rat " , don't do the deal and I have yet to regret it .
Pity the government didn't check the details a bit better before they bought Northern Rock etc.
Then maybe they would not have agreed to the million pound pension to the failed chairman and found the hidden losses which have now surfaced .
I decided to research this latest theory and this is what I discovered about the alleged " settled science of man made global warming . It is just one theory and in no way settled .
It is the democratisation of science where reality is ignored or concealed and the theory is "proved " by having enough " believers " in one place where " heretic disbelievers "are excluded and proving it by majority voting .
These are the facts that they ignore which cast more than doubt on the current trendy theory of MMGW.
- From the early ’40s to the mid ’70s there occurred global cooling, despite rising levels of CO2. This created a widely shared fear of an approaching new ice age.
- Since 1998, global temperatures have fallen, especially during the last two years.
- Sun spots create a strengthening of the sun’s magnetic field. There is evidence to demonstrate a direct link between sunspots and warm weather. The astronomer Edward Maunder attributed the ‘little ice age’ to low sun spot activity.
- The most significant atmospheric greenhouse gas is water vapour.
- Temperature rises precede rises in atmospheric CO2 levels (not vice versa) by between 800-1000 years – which is argued to be a feature of sea warming, causing this release of CO2.
- Ground stations, which measure warming, are sited close to cities which are warmer than countryside. Tarmac, buildings, concrete, vehicles, etc, create an artificially warm environment. Since the USSR collapsed, many meteorological stations in Russia (above) and Siberia have ceased to function in cold locations.
- The cost of mitigating global warming far exceeds the cost of the damage. Indeed, the beneficial effects of warming in terms of crop yields arguably outweigh the negative effects and open up lands in Northern areas of Canada and Russia.
- Warming advisors to local and regional authorities, governments, corporations and others must justify their existence. The IPCC is similar; its survival depends upon the warming thesis.
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