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Building in Coupeville 2 The whole nine ( 10 + 3 ) Yards !

After talking to everyone who would listen I got the details of three likely foundation guys . I contacted them and handed out plans . Eric Walters was recommended by JT Madson and his brother Mike . B and B construction and Chris Marty were also highly spoken of by local builders . I met with Eric at the weekend in Langley and got a price per Yard and a yardage estimate next day . It seemed reasonable and he could also start immediately.
I then got a cheaper ( by $60 per yard ) one next day from B and B and was minded to accept it . I called them for clarification and a start date . I was disappointed but not surprised that they were quite busy - they also we going to charge me for more extras than Eric . They were avid hunters and the short hunting season was almost upon us and the elk in Idaho were calling . I had to go back to Eric and accept his quote . I am not one to play one contractor against another .

Eric and his team turned up as he said a day later and set to work at once . Eric reminds me of Humphrey Borgart in the African Queen - tough quietly confident and honest . His main man Kurt seemed to be another tough diamond geezer and Jeff his new guy was so fit and hard working - as they all were - that I broke a sweat just watching .

They worked as a team rapidly without rushing and smartly too . I cannot praise them enough .
As Jeff unloaded the van Kurt got to work with line and level accurately determining the position for the form ( 6x2 timber ) which Eric was already constructing to the plans . The shape appeared swiftly with some on-site modifications ( I had decided on a full basement and no crawl space ) . The all worked tirelessly :- now Eric forming the " T " junctions - then Jeff preparing the reed bar reinforcement and attaching them so they would be suspended in the form once it was raised to the correct height .
Onto the final leg - and I could see why they were so beefy . The entire area was so hard that a pick on full swing would penetrate only 4 inches ( if you were lucky ) - and into this they hammered ( using 7lb sledgehammers - one handed ) the supporting pins . At first they roughly nailed the form through the pins a bit higher than needed . Then with the trusty beeping lazer they dressed it down to its final height . I was reminded of the sceen from " Dumbo " where the Roustabouts erect the tent singing as they swing their sledgehammers .
They had worked with less than an hour break altogether from 8 am till 5 30 . This in the hot sun .
I was and am still very impressed . Americans in their social lives always seem to have time for a chat but where work is concerned - they just get on !
More pictures here !
The next day they were on another job and the town building inspector Len visited and approved the form for pouring .
On Friday afternoon the pump truck took up position and the 10 yd mixer arrived . Eric and Jeff worked even swifter - if that was possible . Eric squirted the concrete as the driver operated the boom and Jeff smoothed the surface .
Video here !
It took 13 yards in total which was as Eric had estimated so his costing should not be too much of a shock .

As Eric finished the pouring and smoothing Jeff marked and placed the wall reinforcing he had prepared earlier . Video here !
These slip under the other reinforcing to make the structure as earthquake proof as reasonably possible !
They came back on Saturday morning , sprung the form , marked the wall positions with a string line and hammered into the green concrete the clips that would support the wall form .

These guys defiantly earn their pay !


  1. Great post! Thanx for your efforts and writing you have done to compose the list. Keep up the good work.
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