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13 Mitchell Ave Ventnor Work to do list .


Although I was in the UK for two months and did achieve mostly what I set out to there remains a growing list of jobs that my rental business needs done

I catalog them below .

 . E mail me for contact details for tenants and other people who may be available to help , or talk to my friend in the UK Carol . These jobs can be done together as part of a few days work

1 Repair rendering from within sub station compound . I believe this will require
a ladder ( not metal )
sand and cement mortar with PVA admixture
Black waterproof bituminous coating

I have these in my brothers shed except for the ladder though they are readily available and inexpensive anyway . The job needs to be arranged with the electricity board and your local contact is 07767 850 833 . The depo is on 01983 817 119 I estimate the job should take less than 4 hrs though due to difficulty of access and with weather I think it best to have two people do it .

2 Beccky and Phills flat ( downstairs ) A piece of water resistant ¾ chip is on site to be cut to fit the top of the window reveal and made good – Some architrave might also be needed .
Various ceilings to be painted white ( two coats ) Various walls need to be painted magnolia – possibly after a bleach cleaning of surface mold ( Phills room ) Some walls to be papered – Consult Carol for paper and details . IMPORTANT – missing smoke detectors must be replaced ready for inspection .these are to be found in my brothers hallway on the unit tp the right ( viewed from the front doorway ) Damp stop may be also needed though some was used previously – ( Can left in flat and or possibly in Owens garage ) Also check dehumidifier in loft is still operational . Should be able to hear it if running but if not its in corner fixed to exterior wall and moving the humidistat should make it run ( remember to reset the humidistat to the highest level ( where I set it ) so that it only runs where necessary) . If it has been disconnected I will be pretty annoyed !

3 Fit laminate floor upstairs – Tenant supplied . Need a cross cut saw and a jigsaw . Both in brothers garage ( take the small one also as the big ones motor failing ) Contact Teresa thru me or Carol .

4 Determine possible leak in flat roof . Apparently there is still a problem with water ingress downstairs close to door from hallway into rear area I think the area adjacent to the french doors ( to the left viewed from outside ) needs to be cleared of stuff and dirt . Then test it by pouring a bucket of water over it . If its leaking there should be water running down the wall downstairs within 30 min or so . There is loads of gray sealing paint in Owens garage which can be liberally applied when dry and clean . Any obvious holes can be filled with a specialist sealant ( many available . ) Concrete waterproofer may also be used generally where problems exist .

5 Upstairs shower curtain – Work out how to fit shower curtain either by using a long straight piece of 4 x 2 or a steel pipe ( if a chromed piece of one inch round can be purchased long enough to span whole bathroom ) , or a propriety kit possibly supported from the ceiling or by a transverse rod at the bend . Best look on first visit and decide once situation assessed

Ventnor summary , Repair wall and bitumise . Decorate Flat . Check smoke detectors and dehumidifier . If anyone can give me a price for she work detailed here I would be gratefull and would commission them if it was a good price .


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