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The Unofficial Robin Koerner Quotes Database

Robin Koerner Huffington Post Quotes in reverse date order . Some abridged and combined  by the man from the Clapham Omnibus .

If an American wants to go anywhere and feel welcomed and appreciated, he could do little better than go to Poland .

America, as proven by its history, does have something exceptional to offer the world - the primacy of the individual and a philosophy of the restrained exercise of power, which acknowledges the robust ethical position that a man is entirely free up until the point his freedom bears on someone else’s

Left and right are not the two paradigms of American politics. They are the two flavors of only one.

America has been brought to its knees by a Left that has empowered the state and a Right that has subsidized big business. The rest of us have paid for it in liberty and wealth, respectively.

Over time, the products of human labor accumulate as assets to those that deal only in money and make nothing good .

There is no welfarism, beloved of the old Left, without crony capitalism (which pays for it). And there is no crony capitalism, beloved of the old Right, without welfarism (which maintains the political stability that protects it).

Corporate interests have made the State corrupt by financing it, and the State has made corporations corrupt through corporatist law-making .

Something is surely afoot when the “extremists” are advocating :- Not invading countries without declaring war, spending no more than revenues, using money that is worth something and not passing laws that allows government agents to invade the privacy of citizens without cause, and the “moderates” are advocating :- Spending trillions more than we earn, dropping bombs on people who don’t threaten us and voiding the fourth amendment without so much as a “by the way”.

True Constitutionalists conserve liberality. Does that make them conservative or liberal?

First, Do No Harm,” is the Constitution in four words

Shouting “racism” where there is none seeks to promote division to the benefit of the group that makes the claim .

Evils can only be eliminated when honestly identified .

Secure the border simply because security is the first duty of government .

The two-party system does more to undermine the principles of the Founding Fathers than any other single structure in the USA (except perhaps the Federal Reserve)

It’s not government’s job to decide for you. Your life should be as you wish.”

Some of the greatest champions of liberal politics have been conservatives

The Constitution was a liberal document, protecting the rights of common men against tyranny
To those on the Left, the Right is bad. To those on the Right, the Left is wrong.
Politicians are less clever than they think they are
Greater government reach provides greater opportunities for corruption
All policies have unintended consequences
Welfare is sustained by a system of printing money that simultaneously supports big banks and inflation, making average citizens poorer, increasing the need for welfare and reducing the buying power of the welfare checks... and so on, in a vicious cycle
The moderate Left and Right have a common enemy that wants to impose its will on society at the expense of individual liberty and, usually, prosperity.

People (and states) are free to make their own choices, and the rest of us are free to disagree with them, and make our own. That is the only true liberalism worthy of the name.

To Be or Not to Be: American Freedom, Exceptionalism and Identity

Government is inherently dangerous because it is the only social or cultural entity that has a monopoly of force.

Outside the U.S., freedom is regarded as a social good that may be protected by government and “balanced” with other social goods, whereas as in the U.S., by contrast, individual freedoms must be protected from government, precisely because of that monopoly of force. America’s Constitution was written accordingly.

America must make a choice between remembering its identity and carrying on passively as elites dilute its birthright

America can do better because America is better.

American politics is about what matters — philosophical questions of power and liberty that affect our lives.

Americans don’t just ask how government should do something: we ask whether government should be permitted to do something at all . Elsewhere, people march to make their governments force other people to give them money or benefits

American professors don’t correct work.

I am a complete America-phile

It doesn’t matter how much money you throw at something if the people who are supposed to deliver the service don’t know enough to do the job

Shame on all politicians who just continue to throw money at a system that has seen standards decline even as funding has increased

Shame on all teachers who don’t care enough about this problem to do anything about it

If our debt doesn’t finish us, our education system certainly will.

Sell Illusion, Purchase Reality: Currency as a Cultural Conceit

Currency and value are opposites!

It’s what everyone is certain of, but wrong about, that kills us.

A man who has a million dollars in the bank and nothing else may be wiped out in a flash . Only real things are wealth . Gold has uniquely performed the wealth preservation function throughout history . Fiat currencies fail.

Money” is created by banks only when someone borrows it. There always exists less money than is owed to the banks that create it, so debt slavery and foreclosure are built into the system.

Austrian Economics and Modern Monetary Theory

In a free market, parties to a trade both benefit since each gets what he or she regards as the greater value in the exchange
The political class should stop making everything worse by trying to redistribute wealth to make everything better.

In the fractional reserve system, private banks create money when they create debt, and by charging interest when they do so, ensure that, over time, real wealth is transferred from productive workers to financiers who produce nothing directly.

Just because the government cannot be insolvent it is NOT the case that a system in which all this is true is fair, sustainable or conducive to our well-being.

A Balanced Budget Amendment Would Change Everything

The debt ceiling is just a legislative choice.

The threat of inflation and a possible currency collapse stops our government from buying whatever it wants .
According to Modern Monetary Theorists since the government creates all of the dollars the total number of dollars in the world equals the US government debt

The government — should be chained down, with its powers limited to the greatest possible extent that is compatible with its singular purpose of “securing the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.

Economic policy comments by most of our leaders suggest they’ve never picked up an economics book, asked what money is, or even read the Constitution.


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