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The TSA dealt with an "extremely serious matter" swiftly !


Over 30 months ago I flew  with some firearms from Orlando Florida to Seattle . I declared them packed them as instructed and had the TSA check them before boarding . Unfortunately I also carried one magazine in my hand luggage and a pistol grip for a shotgun . 

The nice lady at security spotted the mag and went through my bag carefully . She had no idea what the weird piece of plastic was so I told her it what it was - I also told her I had no idea that such items were prohibited in carry on baggage as they are entirely harmless and of no use whatsoever for a hijacker . A permitted steel pen would be however .Well the wheels of justice turn slowly and I have now received an official warning from the TSA - with threats of dire consequences if I again do what they say was "extremely serious matter" but what I view as a minor infringement of  their absurd nonsensical rules   .

 Full text here - worth a read ! 

     Transportation                                                           US. Department of Homeland Security
:g:         Security                                                         Special Enforcement Program Office (TSA-801)
”a       of Administration                                                                               601 S- '2‘“ Street
     “                                                                                           Arlington. VA 20598-6801
 WARNING NOTICE                                                                                                 JW/04
 Case No. 2017MC00729

 April 29, 2020

 Jonathan William Hinchliffe
 501 NE 4th St.
 Coupeville, WA 98239-3597

 Dear Jonathan Hinchliffe:

 On or about August 20, 2017, at Orlando International Airport, you presented yourself and your
 accessible property for inspection. During the screening process, the following item(s) were discovered: 1
 (One) Firearm Magaz‘me‘and 1 (One) Firearm Part. Your possession of these item(s) violates 49 Code
 of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1540.1 1 1(a) ofthe Transportation Security Regulations.

 Items such as these are not allowed on board an aircraft or in the sterile area of the airport without
 authorization. Bringing prohibited items to the security screening checkpoint, even accidentally, lengthens
 the security screening process, violates federal regulations and may, in serious or repeat instances, result
 in monetary penalties and/or criminal prosecution. A list of permitted and prohibited items is available at Please check this list before your next trip.
 If you have questions about whether a particular item is permitted, please check our website or call the
 TSA Contact Center at 866-289-9673.

 In view of the circumstances in this case and in accordance with 49 CFR § 1503.301(a), we have elected
 to send you this Warning Notice, rather than seek a Civil Penalty. In addition to this Warning Notice, you
 will be temporarily disqualified from TSA Pre\/® screening because you committed a violation ofa TSA
 security regulation. This Warning Notice is now a matter of record and part ofyour compliance history. A
 Warning Notice is not a formal adjudication or a legal finding ofthe matter and, therefore, there are no
 rights to appeal this Notice.

Please note that this Administrative Action is separate from any other federal, state or local
criminal proceeding that may have been brought against you. Resolution of this Administrative
Action will not resolve any criminal proceedings. Similarly, the resolution of any criminal
proceedings that may have been brought against you are separate and independent from this
Warning Notice.

A repeat incident of this type would be an extremely serious matter and would call for a more severe
sanction, which may include the assessment of a Civil Penalty.

The TSA Pre\/® disqualification process is separate from this regulatory matter and is handled by a
different office. individuals with questions concerning their TSA Pre~/® status should call the TSA
Contact Center at 866-289-9673 or email


 3 that
J. Hardy
Section Chief | Special Enforcement Program Office (SEPO)
US DHS | TSA | Security Operations | Compliance


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