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Florence to Harris Beach State Park - Camping American style !

Distance traveled 183 miles - mental journey much further !

Started the day with an unannounced visit to the Stanislaw Rod and Gun Club just up the road from the art deco Florence Bridge. Could not get in as it is a members only club but a call reached the recorded information line . Here I learned that a course was being run today at eight . Shortly two cars arrived independently of each other and the two groups and me chatted happily like old friends as is the way with Oregonians . When the course teachers arrived one of them happily took the time to enplane what the club did and how I would be very welcome if I decided to move to this area . Everyone was interested and all highly recommended Florence as a great place to live .They also recommended that as I had seen most of the coast I should keep traveling south all the way to Brookings as this part was even better ! This I had to see so south I went .
First a Florence Realtor then a drive about including a walkabout in town and on the bridge . This place is great . love the lakes and the river .

More empty beaches then again something new A vast land of sand dunes ! World dune buggy heaven . Got info on where to see them from local fishermen and headed on . A great family Sport . Wish I was 18 again but I will return !

Interesting folks I met today
Oregonian shooters
A park ranger and his dog
Dave Cook The Port Orchard man whose dad was in the flying Tigers in WWII Its him in the picture . Behind him is the small island where seven wood be settlers held off the local tribes for 5 days before retreating by sea to return to stay with reinforcements

I thought I would try camping out in the jeep to reduce costs . $20.00 a night instead of $80.00 if you get no discount .
My request to park up and crash out in the jeep seemed quite ordinary . I got a camp layout plan and was invited to cruse round and pick out a few available pitches . I was in . Loads of happy groups and family's with showers and a laundry room for all . I posted my pictures , spilled a bottle of water over my keyboard and turned in early when dog became dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .


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