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From Cloud 9 to room 101

I awoke to find I had not been dreaming and I truly was a guest of two fine Americans . On there advice I first went to the small picturesque town of La Conner . It has a compact selection of excellent mainly tourist shops with small blocks of charming houses adjacent . It is growing but still has building land close by . A definite possibility and a good opportunity to get an ideal house built in a good yet affordable location . There is an excellent wooded park at the end of the down town area .
There is a red iron bridge there known as the " rainbow bridge" which crosses over onto the Indian reservation .
I crossed this bridge and looked at the retirement community living on land leased from the local Swinomish people . They were out in force raising funds for their upcoming canoe racing regatta by washing passing cars in exchange for donations . I still had desert dust on my rental jeep so I made a contribution .
Anacortes somehow doesn't seem to have a single less than perfect residence among its tree lined blocks . A bit pricey I was told but I can see why . Someone is even still lovingly putting the finishing touches on their very own castle- I kid you not - pictures here .Success leads to success and there are lots of new houses just built as you head south along highway 20 to Oak Harbor .

A real scenic drive the ultimate high point is the bridge at Deception Pass which was constructed in 1936 as part of President Roosevelt's plan to build America out of the depression . It must be good as I met a local still taking photographs there after 12 years . ( check mine out you wont be disappointed )

I'm still amazed by the fact that on my travels I keep meeting people from all states races and backgrounds who will initiate wide ranging conversations with , to them , strangers and always appear to be genuinely interested in each others stories and opinions .
Today I spoke with for the first time :-

An ex SCUBA diver who broke his ear drum water skiing . He was extending a tea shop in La Conner and had it down to raw science with with at exactly 4 degrees Fahrenheit below boiling and a stopwatch to time the steeping . He even stocked my favorite blend of Yorkshire tea and its rarer gold blend variety .

Some Swinomish in high spirits who offered to take my picture with the "rainbow bridge" which they had run across the girders of when they were children .

A Whidbey Islander still photographing his ( now not so secret ) bridge .

A computing student from Colorado who had already visited 32 states .

And many more .

As I drove on south the Navy were out and I got treated to my own private air show .

I checked in to the dutch motel complete with windmill and got put into room 101 which in England is slang for where the rubbish is put . It is Probably the best room in the Motel , very comfortable .


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