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From neo-paganism to Christianity - There is something funny going on !

Woke after a fitful sleep and a clear head . I booked another night in room 1 to take a day out for whale watching . Visited Hadlock and Irondale . They were not for me . Went downtown by jeep criss-crossing Port Townsend along the way . Walked the length of Water Street with occasional side detours .Ended up at the desk of Louis Scheck at Windermere real estate . Had a long talk and learned the advantages of this Victorian town of 8,000 . It is only two hours from Downtown Seattle via the continuous Bainbridge Island ferry service which offers good parking . It has a busy schedule of events and is very walkable . In addition to the mainly touristy businesses of downtown it has another heart Uptown where among other more generally useful businesses it has the Uptown Bar which has live music and a busy darts club . ( pics here )This would suit my family well . I headed for the nearby gun club which is run by an ex Alaskan Bush Pilot who lives on site . They offer a good range of competitions and shooting disciplines .
I headed to the marina to book a whale watching tour for the next day . Being off the bewitching Whidbey Island my rational thoughts turned to a brief conversation I had had at a rest stop two weeks and 500 miles ago near Madrass Oregon . I had criticised PT to a biker who I met there as “ a bit arty “ Just finished booking my boat ride when POP POP POP . He stepped off his bike in front of me . Apologies over I headed back to fort Worden for a walkabout around its vast complex of bunkers and gun batteries . They are like ancient jungle ruins unspoilt by metal thieves or health and safety officers . I had an exciting time exploring its dark interiors by taking flash photographs and using their images as visual maps to find my path
( pics here )
90 enjoyable rambling minutes I reached the battery nearest the lighthouse on the point and took yet another humorous/stupid picture of myself . Check it out obove note the detail
- weird ?

It was not till I reviewed my pics that I spotted another relevant message . Read the graffiti .

Im off to bed !

Coincidences are everywhere !


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