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Showing posts from February, 2012

A Confession !

I have a confession to make . I lied to someone in authority to get what I wanted and guess what I blame the authority ! If they did not have such stupid rules I would not have broken them - they bring the law into disrepute not me ! Many years ago my father Arnold ( link here ) died . We had talked a lot and it was his wish that we erect a bench as a memorial to him on Tennyson's Down - a place he liked and a monument to a great writer . I duly contacted the National Trust who owned the land . They are a charity that my mother contributed to who protect and preserve land and property for the nation to enjoy . L ink Here its preservation They were pleased and did say that more benches would be welcome but only at the summit because they valued the openness of the down and did not want this compromised . There is an old bench from the 60's half way up the Alum Bay side which does stand out but is very welcome to r