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Showing posts from April, 2015

CHARM - Why I had to act !

As everybody who knows me is aware I am pretty passionate about the victims of war , particularly those ordinary decent people who are called upon to take to arms when one group of people end up fighting another for a cause often nothing whatsoever to do with most of the individual people who end up doing the fighting .    " Theirs not to reason why theirs but to do or die " as I believe Tennyson put it ! As I have become older and possibly wiser  I have become less motivated by personal wealth and aggrandizement and more motivated into what would give meaning to my life - what can I do for others - how would things be different and better because of my own existence .  "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." John F. Kennedy   As a minor student of history I came to realize how lucky my generation was in relation to others of the past and how the curse of war absolutely dominates the historical narrative through